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Improve your experience on TweetDeck web with emojis, thumbnails, and a lot of customization options to make TweetDeck even better for you! Features: - Paste images to tweet them! - Share any page/link to TweetDeck in a click! - A "minimal" theme. - An emoji picker to add them easily to your tweets. - Show verified badge on profile pictures in columns. - Change hears back to stars. - Customize the format of dates. - Customize the format of names in tweets. - Remove the redirection on links. - Rounded avatars. - Make Compose pane...

Version 3.4.10
Rating 4.32
Number of voters 189
Number of downloads 37,113
Author url
Short Description Emojis, thumbnails and advanced features for !
Updated data November 10, 2017
Size 2327838.72
Languages 0-English
1- Français
2- 日本語
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