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KEEP YOUR BRAIN SHARP with WORD PUZZLE GAMES like crosswords and other daily spelling & letter challenges. CodyCross is a famous crossword game that keeps improving with constant updates and daily challenges for free! Game storyYou'll help lovable alien explorer Cody Cross learn about Earth—and have a fantastic trivia and word puzzle adventure in the process! Cody Cross finally got his first mission: Explore Earth! He's eager to learn all he can—but he needs your help! Solve crossword puzzles to give CodyCross the ultimate tour of Ea...

CodyCross Review

KEEP YOUR BRAIN SHARP with WORD PUZZLE GAMES like crosswords and other daily spelling & letter challenges. CodyCross is a famous crossword game that keeps improving with constant updates and daily challenges for free!
Game storyYou'll help lovable alien explorer Cody Cross learn about Earth—and have a fantastic trivia and word puzzle adventure in the process! Cody Cross finally got his first mission: Explore Earth! He's eager to learn all he can—but he needs your help! Solve crossword puzzles to give CodyCross the ultimate tour of Earth!
FeaturesProgress and explore several BEAUTIFUL THEMED WORLDS from all across time and space, including Paris, the spa, movies, music, celebrities, and the 1970s! More than 6000 FREE CROSSWORD PUZZLES are available from the start, and to play offline! Challenge yourself daily and have fun at TODAY'S PUZZLES every day! Plus, EVEN MORE, every month!
How to playCodyCross gives you all the fun of classic word puzzle games—but with no pen or paper required! As you challenge yourself to decipher crossword clues and fill in the words, you'll learn some of the letters in other answers. You can puzzle out the answers in order or move all around the list, solving easier words to unlock more letters for the harder words.
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