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DefleMask: The best chiptune tracker. It is a cross-platform and multi system chiptune music tracker. The first of its kind in history. Available for mobile and desktop platforms! With DefleMask you can produce video game music for many old school game-consoles and computers. Tracker SoundIn a tracker sound is produced by adding notes in a grid divided by channels, in which special effects can be added for each channel individually. For example you can make a vibrato, portamento and arpeggios with simple commands. Realtime Emulation...

DefleMask Review

DefleMask: The best chiptune tracker. It is a cross-platform and multi system chiptune music tracker. The first of its kind in history. Available for mobile and desktop platforms! With DefleMask you can produce video game music for many old school game-consoles and computers.
Tracker SoundIn a tracker sound is produced by adding notes in a grid divided by channels, in which special effects can be added for each channel individually. For example you can make a vibrato, portamento and arpeggios with simple commands.
Realtime Emulation Of the HardwareBuilt in instrument editor for FM, Wavetables and more.Switch between systems on the fly, port a NES tune to Genesis! Share projects between mobile and pc versions. 16 different global effects and dedicated effects for every chip. MIDI device support.
FeaturesBasic view that allows reading your song in a simple way. UI modes (select between desktop and touch mode). Export to .wav, .vgm or rom. 40 beautiful skins. And more things waiting you to explore!
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