Play Midnight for Google Play Music™
Upmychrome.com is not an official representative or the developer of this extension. Copyrighted materials belong to their respective owners. Warning: Users can download and install browser addon from the links following the Official Website and Chrome Web Store.
Play Midnight is a different take on the standard theme that is used on Google Play Music. As much as I love the original look of Play, the brightness can hurt the eyes after a while. After noticing there wasn't a dark alternative Play Midnight came to be. NOTE ====== If you are having issues seeing the settings cog on the bottom right, please make sure you have any adblocking extensions disabled (at least on Google Music). If you're not seeing this after disabling adblock, please check the developer console in Chrome and shoot me a...
Play Midnight for Google Play Music™ Review
Play Midnight is a different take on the standard theme that is used on Google Play Music. As much as I love the original look of Play, the brightness can hurt the eyes after a while. After noticing there wasn't a dark alternative Play Midnight came to be.
NOTE ======
If you are having issues seeing the settings cog on the bottom right, please make sure you have any adblocking extensions disabled (at least on Google Music). If you're not seeing this after disabling adblock, please check the developer console in Chrome and shoot me a bug report.
To access the console, press (CMD+OPTION+I on MacOS, or CTRL+ALT+I on Windows) and let me know if you see any red errors. Thank you!
Firefox addon has been put on hold. For the time being you can still get the theme without the options via my Stylish theme here (Updating Soon): https://userstyles.org/styles/115630/play-midnight-for-google-play-music
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://playmidnight.com/
DONATIONS: I love how minimal Play Midnight is, and I'd love to keep improving it and making it better. I can promise there will never be ads anywhere on this extension, and I'll continue to improve it as much as possible. Since I'm working on this extension alone, I can't always devote all of my time to the development. Any donations are greatly appreciated and will help motivate me to put more time into making this the best extension possible.
Paypal Donation Link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=KHH9ZJH42FF4J
To change the color options for Play Midnight, click the Play Midnight cog located on the bottom right corner of your screen. If you disabled the Fab icon, you can get to your settings by opening the left sidebar and scrolling to the bottom, near the Play Music settings.
Note about the Mini Player: The mini player uses a separate app/program on your computer separate from Chrome, so I don't have any way of styling it at the moment, sadly. If I eventually have the time to figure it out I'll get on it.
Feel free to tell me any things you like or dislike as well as graphical changes and I'll take everything into consideration. Thanks for trying out Play Midnight, and I hope you enjoy!
- Rewrite the app to be more customizable/stable
- Updated the little FAB Settings Buddy to be injected a different way, and ended up removing the option for disabling him. This seemed like the best route for now due to how the new sidebar works. A lot of people were having issues with this guy, so wanted to get a fix out there.
- Made contrast slightly better for people who may have had some contrast issues. (via nathaned on Github)
- Fixed up the white bars on some of the pages, such as top charts and radio. (via nathaned on Github)
- Bumped these guys back up to being bigger and brighter, since I always hated how tiny they were.
- Fixed issues with hovering on the radio page
- Added options to hide "Shop" and "Subscribe Now"
- Fixed issues with Album/Artist/Playlist text being unreadable
- Fixed issue with search suggestions not being readable
- Fixed broken thumbs on "Larger Song Table" (I think so, tbd)
- Fixed various styling on play button knob, loading screen logo, button colors
- Fixed issues with black text on the home dashboard and cards
- Fixed loading spinner/backdrop to be darker and use accent color
- Attempted to fix edit info input text color to be visible
- Attempted to fix the mini player button to not overlap the track progress
- Made disabled play button more obvious
- Added option for Larger Song Tables (Gives back older functionality of bigger song rows that were changed by Google around December 15th)
- Fixed issue with queue song indicators being too large with Google change
- Fixed bug with mini-queue being covered by playlists when using "Static Playlists" option
- Fixed recent activity bug causing uncaught errors when a user generated playlist was in recent activity
- Added option for Static Playlists sidebar
- Fixed issue with hidden play button
- Added some styling tweaks for loading indicators, disabled buttons, etc.
- NOTE: Working on Stylish updates, should be done soon
- Added more !important flags on menu/queue to try and resolve user issues that I can't replicate
- Added Play Midnight logo to loading screen
- Squashed a few more minor style bugs
- DEV: Updated README and added yarn/npm scripts
- Added Static Sidebar back (Yayy!)
- Enlarged Recent Activity items since they're too small
- Fixed background flash on homepage
- Tons of various style tweaks and bugfixes
- All new homepage styles due to changes on Google's end
- Various style fixes that may have lingered
- Fixed the logo now showing the proper colors and accent
- Fixed modal background on playlist creation
- Fixed style issues now playing rows on song-table (thanks DougTy)
- Fixed up the favicon accent/dark modes and readded the options
- Code cleanup
- Fixed style issues with new playlists sidebar
- Removed a few features (Static Sidebar, Favicon, Sound Search playlist) until they can be fixed up
- Few smaller style issues
- Code cleanup
- Merged in the style tweaks that the fellows on Github worked on (Thanks to firstEncounter, hermajan, NasaGeek)
- Fixed a few smaller style issues
- Added _blank targets on my personal/reddit links
- Fixed the issue with titles keeping the dark gray color which was hard to see on the dark background (sorry this took so long!)
- Fixed issue with the Google Play Music logo having a white background and having some overlapping
- Fixed issue with my author url on the options pane :P
- Fixed issue with logo svg replacement not working due to new class change breaking replace function
- Fixed styling issue on repeat/shuffle buttons due to Google change
- Fixed styling on shortcuts help modal (shift + ?)
- Fixed styling on volume slider knob when active
- Added option for 'Remove Artist Header Image' to hide artist image on artist/album pages
- Styled the new Google Music search bar
- Styled the loading overlay spinner to match accent color
- Styled the drag target line for reordering the queue
- Added option for 'Accent Favicon' to change favicon to match accent color
- Fixed issue with 'My Library' defaulting to playlist tab
- Small bugfixes
- Updated styling to work with the Google Polymer changes
- Added iron-icons for PlayMidnight
- Small bugfixes
- Added new functionality to remove menu items from the sidebar
- Added new functionality to remove auto-playlists from sidebar
- Preemptively fixed style issues coming out in the near future
- Fixed style bugs with expanded queue
- Fixed smaller icon style issues
- Fixed white blocks on song-table due to Google class changes
- Attempted new fix with static sidebar not working for some people
- Fixed miscolored text on share dialog
- Fixed nasty loading spinner on dropdown menus
- Fixed issue with "Remove Songza" option no longer working due to Google change
- Fixed issue with hover/song numbers being funky on song-row
- Fixed issue with button text on settings page being same as background color
- Added option for Dark Search Bar (no accent)
- Added option to hide Songza suggestions area
- Added option to hide radio stations (EXPERIMENTAL)
- Updated Google Music Logo accent color
- Fixed style issues when dragging to a playlist
- Fixed style issues on file upload text
- Fixed missing styles on info-card
- FINALLY figured out why scrollbars weren't styling (curse you, Shadow DOM)
- Few minor style tweaks to sidebar with new scrollbars
- Fixed issue with thumbs up on zebra stripes for song table/queue
- Missed a border color on searches
- Cleaned up some styles for the queue/song-table indicators
- Styled button on toast
- Upload progress bar
- Fixed small issue with status indicator on selected song row
- Fixed styles for Google's new Radio stuff
- Added zebra stripes to song tables
- Minor style/stuff tweaks
- Added 'Recent Activity' to menu
- Fixed issues with status-indicators on playing songs in queue/song tables
- Various style fixes
- Added option for static sidebar
- Added option to disable update notifications
- Fixed styles on file upload dialog
- Fixed issues with white background on song tables due to Google changes
- Changed IFL Radio header background to be grayscale
Fixed a few missed styles:
- Album image missing on currently playing songlist
- Shortcuts popup styles
- Search query styles
- I lied, the modal wasn't fixed like I thought. Modal should now work properly, if you had any issues
- Hopefully fixed issue with broken modal and not being able to click button (sorry guys) :c
- Added brand new options page
- Introduced a bunch of new features in the options
- Squashed a few bugs I missed
- Fixed thumbs up icons being hidden on select/hover
- Small tweak to nav scrollbar
- Restyled accents on the player bar that I broke (shuffle, repeat, play)
- Fixed issue with thumbs up not showing up
- Styled edit artist/read more popups
- Fixed subscribe playlist button colors
- Fixed issue with player rating buttons being wrong color (near now playing on hover)
- Fixed issue with white 'new playlist' box
- Cleaned up Songza playlist backgrounds
- Almost finished with Options page, coming soon!
- Completely revamped Play Midnight for new Google Material updates
- Working towards adding user customized colors
- Uploading Indicator Gif changed to grayscale animated arrow
- Fixed Playlist Subscription button accents
- Fixed color issues on search page with bright white top border
- Fixed radio on search result showing default orange accent color
- Updated card art to better invert default art (via firstEncounter and Dragory)
- Fixed typo in gulpfile (via firstEncounter)
- Added sass_cache to gitignore (via firstEncounter)
- Modified cards to be smaller size on 'Recent Activity' page
- Scrollbars are now styled
- Fixed styling issues with uploading music progress bar
- Fixed 'Recent Activity' sidebar item
- Updated Buttons to be darker (credit to: Dragory)
- Updated Default images to be darker (credit to: Dragory)
- Updated some random button hover issues
- Fixed some other hover issues
- Added option to temporarily disable Play Midnight
- Fixed white background due to Google changes
- Fixed some issues with button focus/active states
- Added Recent Activity sidebar and filters (via Ben Knight)
- Fixed some issues with button focus/active states
- Fixed an issue with chromecast icon looking gross on Retina displays
- Fixed an issue with a white border around the main music content
- Added the ability to disable Play Midnight under Options if you need to disable temporarily
- Fixed white border around album art
- Updated 'Listen Now' for the Songza addition
- Updated drag 'n drop upload window
- Updated the look of the left navigation to look better
- Fixed white loading background on Feeling Lucky Radio
- Fixed a few random dialog boxes that were white
- Fixed white loading background
- Fixed playing progress showing orange instead of chosen color
- Fixed a white background issue
- Fixed :active state for menu items
- Fixed a small css issue
- Fixed an issue with Hover/Active state of media icons (Play/Pause, etc)
- Fixed an issue with Chromecast icon being bugged when connected
- Moved options page so that it now resides directly on Google Play Music
- Added two more colors to the options page
v1.1.0 - Big Changes!
- Updated images for Retina display (the best I could without any retina device)
- Added three new color choices to Theme Options page
- Minified/Compressed files to decrease load time
- Updated scrollbar to be more visible
- Added new options page (accessible via the icon in your url bar within Google Play)
- Toggle Favicon (By request)
- Fixed issue with Chromecast icon being bugged
- Modified URL to be more strict (play.google.com/music/listen* instead of play.google.com/music/*)
- Fixed issue with Play Queue active state
- Fixed loading overlay background color
- Restyled top Google Bar to be lighter
- Fixed styling issues with top Google Bar
- Fixed styling issues with top Google Bar
- Added favicon
- Cleaned up/minified some internal code
- Fixed some gifs and rating images
- Fixed issue with Google logo change
- Webstore Name Update
- Few random color tweaks
- Updated retina gif images
- Fixed stars for Google Labs star rating
- Few random color tweaks
- Finished changes to Google Bar (Any feedback/errors on this new bar appreciated)
- Few random color tweaks
- Recolored icons in Google Bar (If anyone has the dark icons still after update, please let me know. Google's classes may change, but I'm not sure).
- Recolored almost all of the icons, a few remain to be colored
- Few minor color tweaks
- Recolored most of the animated icons (not retina yet)
- Recolored right click dialogs
- Updated list styles for tracks (brighter, brighter border)
- Fixed some random page menu's I missed (settings, labs, etc)
- Changed dialog inputs to fit the dark theme
- Smaller color tweaks
- Fixed 'Artist Bio' dialog background
- First addition to Play Store
- Modified some (not all yet) of the icons to be more visible
NOTE ======
If you are having issues seeing the settings cog on the bottom right, please make sure you have any adblocking extensions disabled (at least on Google Music). If you're not seeing this after disabling adblock, please check the developer console in Chrome and shoot me a bug report.
To access the console, press (CMD+OPTION+I on MacOS, or CTRL+ALT+I on Windows) and let me know if you see any red errors. Thank you!
Firefox addon has been put on hold. For the time being you can still get the theme without the options via my Stylish theme here (Updating Soon): https://userstyles.org/styles/115630/play-midnight-for-google-play-music
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://playmidnight.com/
DONATIONS: I love how minimal Play Midnight is, and I'd love to keep improving it and making it better. I can promise there will never be ads anywhere on this extension, and I'll continue to improve it as much as possible. Since I'm working on this extension alone, I can't always devote all of my time to the development. Any donations are greatly appreciated and will help motivate me to put more time into making this the best extension possible.
Paypal Donation Link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=KHH9ZJH42FF4J
To change the color options for Play Midnight, click the Play Midnight cog located on the bottom right corner of your screen. If you disabled the Fab icon, you can get to your settings by opening the left sidebar and scrolling to the bottom, near the Play Music settings.
Note about the Mini Player: The mini player uses a separate app/program on your computer separate from Chrome, so I don't have any way of styling it at the moment, sadly. If I eventually have the time to figure it out I'll get on it.
Feel free to tell me any things you like or dislike as well as graphical changes and I'll take everything into consideration. Thanks for trying out Play Midnight, and I hope you enjoy!
- Rewrite the app to be more customizable/stable
- Updated the little FAB Settings Buddy to be injected a different way, and ended up removing the option for disabling him. This seemed like the best route for now due to how the new sidebar works. A lot of people were having issues with this guy, so wanted to get a fix out there.
- Made contrast slightly better for people who may have had some contrast issues. (via nathaned on Github)
- Fixed up the white bars on some of the pages, such as top charts and radio. (via nathaned on Github)
- Bumped these guys back up to being bigger and brighter, since I always hated how tiny they were.
- Fixed issues with hovering on the radio page
- Added options to hide "Shop" and "Subscribe Now"
- Fixed issues with Album/Artist/Playlist text being unreadable
- Fixed issue with search suggestions not being readable
- Fixed broken thumbs on "Larger Song Table" (I think so, tbd)
- Fixed various styling on play button knob, loading screen logo, button colors
- Fixed issues with black text on the home dashboard and cards
- Fixed loading spinner/backdrop to be darker and use accent color
- Attempted to fix edit info input text color to be visible
- Attempted to fix the mini player button to not overlap the track progress
- Made disabled play button more obvious
- Added option for Larger Song Tables (Gives back older functionality of bigger song rows that were changed by Google around December 15th)
- Fixed issue with queue song indicators being too large with Google change
- Fixed bug with mini-queue being covered by playlists when using "Static Playlists" option
- Fixed recent activity bug causing uncaught errors when a user generated playlist was in recent activity
- Added option for Static Playlists sidebar
- Fixed issue with hidden play button
- Added some styling tweaks for loading indicators, disabled buttons, etc.
- NOTE: Working on Stylish updates, should be done soon
- Added more !important flags on menu/queue to try and resolve user issues that I can't replicate
- Added Play Midnight logo to loading screen
- Squashed a few more minor style bugs
- DEV: Updated README and added yarn/npm scripts
- Added Static Sidebar back (Yayy!)
- Enlarged Recent Activity items since they're too small
- Fixed background flash on homepage
- Tons of various style tweaks and bugfixes
- All new homepage styles due to changes on Google's end
- Various style fixes that may have lingered
- Fixed the logo now showing the proper colors and accent
- Fixed modal background on playlist creation
- Fixed style issues now playing rows on song-table (thanks DougTy)
- Fixed up the favicon accent/dark modes and readded the options
- Code cleanup
- Fixed style issues with new playlists sidebar
- Removed a few features (Static Sidebar, Favicon, Sound Search playlist) until they can be fixed up
- Few smaller style issues
- Code cleanup
- Merged in the style tweaks that the fellows on Github worked on (Thanks to firstEncounter, hermajan, NasaGeek)
- Fixed a few smaller style issues
- Added _blank targets on my personal/reddit links
- Fixed the issue with titles keeping the dark gray color which was hard to see on the dark background (sorry this took so long!)
- Fixed issue with the Google Play Music logo having a white background and having some overlapping
- Fixed issue with my author url on the options pane :P
- Fixed issue with logo svg replacement not working due to new class change breaking replace function
- Fixed styling issue on repeat/shuffle buttons due to Google change
- Fixed styling on shortcuts help modal (shift + ?)
- Fixed styling on volume slider knob when active
- Added option for 'Remove Artist Header Image' to hide artist image on artist/album pages
- Styled the new Google Music search bar
- Styled the loading overlay spinner to match accent color
- Styled the drag target line for reordering the queue
- Added option for 'Accent Favicon' to change favicon to match accent color
- Fixed issue with 'My Library' defaulting to playlist tab
- Small bugfixes
- Updated styling to work with the Google Polymer changes
- Added iron-icons for PlayMidnight
- Small bugfixes
- Added new functionality to remove menu items from the sidebar
- Added new functionality to remove auto-playlists from sidebar
- Preemptively fixed style issues coming out in the near future
- Fixed style bugs with expanded queue
- Fixed smaller icon style issues
- Fixed white blocks on song-table due to Google class changes
- Attempted new fix with static sidebar not working for some people
- Fixed miscolored text on share dialog
- Fixed nasty loading spinner on dropdown menus
- Fixed issue with "Remove Songza" option no longer working due to Google change
- Fixed issue with hover/song numbers being funky on song-row
- Fixed issue with button text on settings page being same as background color
- Added option for Dark Search Bar (no accent)
- Added option to hide Songza suggestions area
- Added option to hide radio stations (EXPERIMENTAL)
- Updated Google Music Logo accent color
- Fixed style issues when dragging to a playlist
- Fixed style issues on file upload text
- Fixed missing styles on info-card
- FINALLY figured out why scrollbars weren't styling (curse you, Shadow DOM)
- Few minor style tweaks to sidebar with new scrollbars
- Fixed issue with thumbs up on zebra stripes for song table/queue
- Missed a border color on searches
- Cleaned up some styles for the queue/song-table indicators
- Styled button on toast
- Upload progress bar
- Fixed small issue with status indicator on selected song row
- Fixed styles for Google's new Radio stuff
- Added zebra stripes to song tables
- Minor style/stuff tweaks
- Added 'Recent Activity' to menu
- Fixed issues with status-indicators on playing songs in queue/song tables
- Various style fixes
- Added option for static sidebar
- Added option to disable update notifications
- Fixed styles on file upload dialog
- Fixed issues with white background on song tables due to Google changes
- Changed IFL Radio header background to be grayscale
Fixed a few missed styles:
- Album image missing on currently playing songlist
- Shortcuts popup styles
- Search query styles
- I lied, the modal wasn't fixed like I thought. Modal should now work properly, if you had any issues
- Hopefully fixed issue with broken modal and not being able to click button (sorry guys) :c
- Added brand new options page
- Introduced a bunch of new features in the options
- Squashed a few bugs I missed
- Fixed thumbs up icons being hidden on select/hover
- Small tweak to nav scrollbar
- Restyled accents on the player bar that I broke (shuffle, repeat, play)
- Fixed issue with thumbs up not showing up
- Styled edit artist/read more popups
- Fixed subscribe playlist button colors
- Fixed issue with player rating buttons being wrong color (near now playing on hover)
- Fixed issue with white 'new playlist' box
- Cleaned up Songza playlist backgrounds
- Almost finished with Options page, coming soon!
- Completely revamped Play Midnight for new Google Material updates
- Working towards adding user customized colors
- Uploading Indicator Gif changed to grayscale animated arrow
- Fixed Playlist Subscription button accents
- Fixed color issues on search page with bright white top border
- Fixed radio on search result showing default orange accent color
- Updated card art to better invert default art (via firstEncounter and Dragory)
- Fixed typo in gulpfile (via firstEncounter)
- Added sass_cache to gitignore (via firstEncounter)
- Modified cards to be smaller size on 'Recent Activity' page
- Scrollbars are now styled
- Fixed styling issues with uploading music progress bar
- Fixed 'Recent Activity' sidebar item
- Updated Buttons to be darker (credit to: Dragory)
- Updated Default images to be darker (credit to: Dragory)
- Updated some random button hover issues
- Fixed some other hover issues
- Added option to temporarily disable Play Midnight
- Fixed white background due to Google changes
- Fixed some issues with button focus/active states
- Added Recent Activity sidebar and filters (via Ben Knight)
- Fixed some issues with button focus/active states
- Fixed an issue with chromecast icon looking gross on Retina displays
- Fixed an issue with a white border around the main music content
- Added the ability to disable Play Midnight under Options if you need to disable temporarily
- Fixed white border around album art
- Updated 'Listen Now' for the Songza addition
- Updated drag 'n drop upload window
- Updated the look of the left navigation to look better
- Fixed white loading background on Feeling Lucky Radio
- Fixed a few random dialog boxes that were white
- Fixed white loading background
- Fixed playing progress showing orange instead of chosen color
- Fixed a white background issue
- Fixed :active state for menu items
- Fixed a small css issue
- Fixed an issue with Hover/Active state of media icons (Play/Pause, etc)
- Fixed an issue with Chromecast icon being bugged when connected
- Moved options page so that it now resides directly on Google Play Music
- Added two more colors to the options page
v1.1.0 - Big Changes!
- Updated images for Retina display (the best I could without any retina device)
- Added three new color choices to Theme Options page
- Minified/Compressed files to decrease load time
- Updated scrollbar to be more visible
- Added new options page (accessible via the icon in your url bar within Google Play)
- Toggle Favicon (By request)
- Fixed issue with Chromecast icon being bugged
- Modified URL to be more strict (play.google.com/music/listen* instead of play.google.com/music/*)
- Fixed issue with Play Queue active state
- Fixed loading overlay background color
- Restyled top Google Bar to be lighter
- Fixed styling issues with top Google Bar
- Fixed styling issues with top Google Bar
- Added favicon
- Cleaned up/minified some internal code
- Fixed some gifs and rating images
- Fixed issue with Google logo change
- Webstore Name Update
- Few random color tweaks
- Updated retina gif images
- Fixed stars for Google Labs star rating
- Few random color tweaks
- Finished changes to Google Bar (Any feedback/errors on this new bar appreciated)
- Few random color tweaks
- Recolored icons in Google Bar (If anyone has the dark icons still after update, please let me know. Google's classes may change, but I'm not sure).
- Recolored almost all of the icons, a few remain to be colored
- Few minor color tweaks
- Recolored most of the animated icons (not retina yet)
- Recolored right click dialogs
- Updated list styles for tracks (brighter, brighter border)
- Fixed some random page menu's I missed (settings, labs, etc)
- Changed dialog inputs to fit the dark theme
- Smaller color tweaks
- Fixed 'Artist Bio' dialog background
- First addition to Play Store
- Modified some (not all yet) of the icons to be more visible
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